Curriculum Outline

A Rich Educational Experience That Prepares Our Students For The World Of Work

The Curriculum at Mount St Mary’s is designed to give the broadest possible educational experiences to our students. At Key Stage 3 all our students access subjects from across the National Curriculum with Maths, English, Science, PE, RE, Art, Performing Arts, History, Geography, a range of Technologies, Computer Science & ICT lessons all being delivered. At Key Stage 4 students are given an opportunity to specialise their studies from a choice of options. A full programme of Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education is taught to all students.

We are currently updating our Curriculum information and are excited to share these updates with you. If there is any information you need whilst we are working on developing this page further please contact for further information.

Personalised Support

Our students benefit from personalised support and guidance, enabling them to secure clearly defined and achievable progression routes once they have completed their exams in Year 11. We pride ourselves on blending the best aspects of traditional education with the most modern and innovative approaches to teaching. Our aim is for students to benefit from an enriching education that provides them not only with a wealth of knowledge, but also with the necessary skills to be successful in their lives after school.

“There is always someone there if you need to talk.” – Student feedback

Above: Student Advocate
Our dedicated student advocate team support students in a variety of ways focussed on helping them do their best in school. Each Year has a dedicated student advocate so that there is always someone available.

“There is a good sense of community and good pastoral care.” – Parent feedback

“Communication with parents and carers is effective in ensuring students are safe and supported.” – Ofsted Inspection

We encourage students to take part in a wide range of activities outside the classroom. Before school we have a breakfast club and a cyber cafe. The Library is always open for study and regularly organises special events. All subject departments support the students in their learning at key points in the year over and above their normal lessons.

We want our students to be fit and healthy. We now have a brand new sports hall, fully equipped gym and dance studio opened in February 2012, we also have netball, basketball courts and playing fields on site. We use local sports centres, bowling alleys and the John Charles Centre for Sport. Our students have been chosen to represent Leeds, Yorkshire and England at rugby league, football, tennis and boxing.

Mount St Mary’s students enjoy many opportunities to travel to London, Belgium, France, Spain and to other places of cultural or historical interest. Outdoor pursuits, fell-walking, skiing, field trips, language days, open days – take your pick but remember to sign up early; these trips are very popular!

We fast for CAFOD, sing for St Gemma’s, bake buns for Macmillan nurses and give up our favourite things for Catholic Care. We are always part of the Diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes and we respond generously to emergency appeals at times of crisis anywhere in the world.

Leadership and Creativity

Our Young Leader programme continues to develop into one of the bedrocks of student leadership at Mount St Mary’s. Currently over 70 students have been trained as literacy and numeracy leaders. This feeds in to a programme of Peer Mentoring which happens every Thursday morning during registration. All Year groups work together to share their skills working in collaboration on a series of short activities to promote learning.

KS4 Core Subjects

KS4 Options Subjects

Careers Action Plan

The world of work has never been more challenging or richer in opportunity. At Mount St Mary’s we support students from as early as Year 7 with planning how they will join the the world of work.

In Key Stage 4 students engage with a work experience project which includes business style job interviews as well as the practical two week placement.

“There are brilliant opportunities with colleges and universities.” – Student feedback

“The school works to promote students personal development and welfare is good” – Student feedback