At Mount St Mary’s, we recognise the ever-increasing role of technology in young people’s lives. It is our aim to support students in learning how to use this technology in the most effective ways so that they can remain safe while also developing important skills. This is vital, not only for future employment opportunities but also for their own life-long learning.
Mrs Chadwick is our Designated Safeguarding Lead; please report any concerns to her in the first instance by contacting main reception (0113 21992482).
The links below will take you through to 2 important documents which relate to different aspects of Online Safety:
1. The MSM Online Safety Policy: Guidance on appropriate internet use for staff, including social media use, email, contact with students, responses to online bullying and other key responsibilities.
2. The Acceptable Use Policy: a document that outlines the school’s responsibilities in our management and usage of ICT resources as well as the students’ responsibilities in their use of ICT within school.
Both of these policies follow the guidance from the Leeds Safeguarding Children Board and are reviewed and updated annually.
What do we do to promote Online Safety?
Online Safety is embedded within our PSHCE programme (Personal Social Health Citizenship Education). Students in each year group are taught about using the internet safely while also developing important skills. Some of the topics and resources we deliver are listed here:
- Online Bullying
- Social media use and abuse
- UExplore careers software
- Child Sexual Exploitation (including the dangers of grooming)
- Prevent (Extremism and Radicalisation)
- Sexting
- CEOP and Thinkuknow resources
Year Leaders and staff from the Safeguarding team also deliver assemblies and sessions to support these key messages (both to students and as part of regular staff training). But perhaps the most important action we take is to ensure that students know who they can go to if they need help, advice or guidance on any of these issues. Each year group has a team of support staff comprising of Form Tutor, Year Leader, Student Support Worker and Student Advocate – any of whom can be approached for help and advice.
In addition, a member of the Safeguarding Team will always be available and ready to respond to issues that may arise.
Support for Parents
Keeping teenagers safe and sensible online can be a demanding job for any parent. The following guides may help you to take some practical steps in supporting your son/daughter in getting the most from their time online, while also ensuring that they are not putting themselves or anyone else at risk.