School Uniform

We hold students to the highest standards around uniform and we rely on parental support to uphold these standards. Below is a list of school uniform items which are compulsory for all students.


  • Navy school jumper with logo
  • Black, tailored smart school trousers (no patch pockets)

  • White/navy striped shirt
  • Plain black leather shoes with black soles. (Pumps, canvas shoes,mules,backless casual shoes, trainers, boots, ankle boots, footwear with logos, stripes, ticks, crocodiles, makers’ names, metal or fabric tags and soles of any colour other than black are not allowed)
  • Plain black socks
  • Plain black or dark navy coat (not Leather or Leather-Look)

The trousers are readily available in many shops, but please make sure they are smart, tailored school trousers, not the latest fashion item! Jumpers and shirts/blouses are distinctive to Mount St Mary’s. We would encourage the purchase of short-sleeved shirts/blouses, as these can be worn under jumpers through most of the year but also make a good summer uniform when the weather is hot.


  • Navy school jumper with logo
  • Black, tailored smart school trousers (no skirts & no “skinny” style trousers)
  • White/navy striped v-neck blouse
  • Plain black leather shoes with black soles.
    (Pumps, canvas shoes, mules, backless casual shoes, trainers, boots, ankle boots, footwear with logos, stripes, ticks, crocodiles, makers’ names, metal or fabric tags and soles of any colour other than black are not allowed)
  • Plain black socks
  • Plain black or dark navy coat (not Leather or Leather-Look)

The trousers are readily available in many shops, but please make sure they are smart, tailored school trousers, not the latest fashion item! Jumpers and shirts/blouses are distinctive to Mount St Mary’s. We would encourage the purchase of short-sleeved shirts/blouses, as these can be worn under jumpers through most of the year but also make a good summer uniform when the weather is hot.

Boys PE Kit – Compulsory Items

  • Football boots
  • Trainers
  • Rugby Shirt (reversible) – Midnight blue with sky blue trim and white collar with logo
  • Polo Shirt – Midnight blue with sky blue trim with logo
  • Shorts – Midnight blue with sky blue trim with logo
  • Socks – Midnight blue with sky blue tops

Girls PE Kit – Compulsory Items

  • Football boots
  • Trainers
  • Polo Shirt – Midnight blue with sky blue trim with logo
  • Shorts or Skorts – Midnight blue with sky blue trim with logo
  • Socks – Midnight blue with sky blue tops

Girls – Optional Items

  • Full zip warm training top – Midnight blue with sky blue trim with logo


For both boys and girls, only natural hair colours are permitted. Pink, red, green etc are not permitted. Students should not have patterns, lines or symbols cut into their hair or eyebrows. It would be impossible to have an exhaustive list of what is/is not permissible; any permissible hairstyle will be at the Headteacher’s discretion.


Permitted Jewellery: one signet ring, medal or cross and chain. Girls and boys who have pierced ears may wear one simple small stud earring in each ear. Other Jewellery will be confiscated and returned at an arranged time. Nose, lip, tongue and eyebrow jewellery, or other facial piercing is not allowed and cannot be covered by plasters.


Nails need to be a pale natural colour and of a length that is practical for work.


  • All students are expected to arrive each day with a school bag of a suitable size for text books, exercise books, pencil case, planner and other equipment.
  • All students will need a calculator.

Our School Uniform Supplier is:

Uniwears School Uniform Shop
371 Harehills Lane

Telephone No: 0113 235 1256
