What is ‘Prevent’, and what does it have to do with British Values?

​At Mount St Mary’s Catholic High School, we work to safeguard our students from radicalisation and extremism by promoting British values through our school curriculum (both in academic subjects and through our PSHCE programme).

  • ​Democracy
  • Rule of Law
  • Individual Liberty
  • Mutual Respect
  • Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

We educate our students so that they understand that anyone can be vulnerable to the destructive influences of extremism, making them aware and alert to potential danger, especially through their use of social media. This is delivered through the Online Safety units of the PSHCE programme and is reinforced separately and explicitly through activities like our Drop Down Days / Workshops and follow-up assemblies.


If you have any concerns relating to extremism or radicalisation, or any questions with regard to the Prevent programme, please contact Donna Chadwick, Designated Safeguarding Lead.

Click on the link below to go to the Educate Against Hate website.