How to tell school about your child’s absence
If your child is absent for any reason please can you message the school using the MyEd app on each day of absence or include the number of days to be absent in the message:
- Tap the Messaging button at the bottom of the screen
- Tap the “Absence Hotline” or “Absence Alert” then write your message
- Tap send
You could also ring school school each day to notify us but messaging is the preferred method. We need to know of absences ASAP in order to ensure your child is safe.
You can call the Attendance Office on: 0113 245 5248 (ext 109)
We understand that on occasions students may have to miss school due to ill health.
We ask that parents:
- Adopt a bracing approach to illness. Please only keep students off school when it is absolutely necessary.
- Contact school by telephone on the number above on the first day of absence by 8.45am indicating expected date of return.
- Send in a written explanation for the absence on the students return, to be given to the form tutor.
In cases of persistent or prolonged absence, school may require medical evidence e.g. doctors note to explain the absence.
Medical Appointments
Medical/dental appointments should be made out of school hours to prevent disruption to learning.
Where this is not possible please write to your son/daughter’s form tutor with the appropriate evidence e.g. letter / appointment card.
Term Time Holidays
The Government changed the Education (Pupil Registration) Regulations in relation to term time holidays on 1st September 2013.
As a result, Head Teachers can no longer allow any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. This means that holidays in term time will not be authorised and will be marked as an unauthorised absence in the school register.
Unauthorised absences may result in a Penalty Notice being issued under the provisions of the Education Act 1996 (as amended) which means that you could be fined for your child’s absence.
Note: Payment of a Penalty Notice (from September 2013), if paid within 21 days, is £60 per parent/carer, per child. If you do not pay within 21 days the fine is increased to £120 and you have a further 7 days to make this payment in full.
Non-payment of a Penalty Notice within the total 28-day period could result in the commencement of criminal proceedings in the Magistrates’ Court under Section 444 of the Education Act 1996.
The issuing of Penalty Notices relates to any unauthorised absence. Authorisation of absence is at the Head Teacher’s discretion and if your child is absent for any reason such as illness, you may be required to provide school with evidence of the absence such as a medical appointment card or prescription.
Information on penalty notices is also available on the Leeds City Council and DFE websites.
Good punctuality is also essential for students’ progress. Students who are late for school miss learning and develop bad habits resulting in them being unprepared for the world of work. Each half term, those students who have been regularly late will receive either a detention or a day in Internal Exclusion. They may also be placed on a monitoring card.
If you are experiencing any difficulties that are affecting your child’s attendance, the school would like to work with you to support you.
Please contact the school in the first instance.