Travel Information

Active Travel Guidance at MSM

MSM feels it is very important to encourage a healthy lifestyle and support healthy living choices where possible, it is because of this that we have the following active travel aims:

1. Encourage school arrival where possible by any other means than by car
2. Encourage walking to school if living within 1 mile of MSM – this would be a 20 minute walk each way
3. Discourage MSM arrival by car, but if car arrival is unavoidable, encourage drop off and pick up short of the MSM site to reduce
    congestion e.g. Flax Place, Bow Street or Upper Accommodation Road

4. Encourage MSM arrival by bus, then walk from the station or city centre if using public service buses
    a.  Get off the bus a stop or two before you need to and walk part of the way
    b.  Leave for a destination earlier and walk all or part of the way
5. Raise awareness of health and environmental issues caused by travel
6. Raise the awareness of road safety

These aims are not just concerned with traveling to and from MSM, they are relevant to travel anywhere at any time.

Possible benefits of active travel

  1. Bearing in mind that students are in school at MSM for approximately 6 hours 15 minutes each day, 5 hours of which are in lessons, it is highly significant that active travel to school could increase concentration by up to four hours, and 15 minutes of exercise can improve a child’s mood
  2. Cheaper to walk or cycle (if you have access to a bicycle)
  3. Walking and cycling improve fitness levels
  4. Walking and cycling improve road awareness and road safety, leading to fewer road accidents involving pedestrians and ultimately resulting in better drivers
  5. Improved road safety around MSM and throughout Leeds
  6. Reduced congestion around MSM at beginning and end of the school and around Leeds at all times
  7. Reduced stress and time spent driving to school, especially if it is congested
  8. Improves Leeds by reducing air and noise pollution due to fewer vehicles being used

Mount St Marys Travel Plan

Useful links for increasing active travel

Mount St Mary’s has a comprehensive network of transport options close by, from 2 dedicated bus routes through to public bus services.

We have outlined these services below with downloadable bus timetables and a links to the WYMetro website and Metro Journey Planner.

School Bus Routes

Metro Journey Planner

Tools to help you plan your journey in West Yorkshire and beyond

Photocard Application Form

Metro Website

The Metro website has a wealth of information about traveling by bus, train, cycling and walking around Leeds at the link below:

Leeds for Learning

Further information about cycling courses in Leeds and cycling safety can be found at the below link:

Evans Cycles

Below is a link to a “Ride to Work” scheme in Leeds, to encourage cycling in the city at a heavily discounted price and with cost spreading: