At MSM we pride ourselves on being a fully inclusive school and community that recognises and celebrates diversity in it’s fullest sense. We demonstrate this through the following, a quote taken from the SEND policy:

“We aim to prepare all of our students for life beyond school to the best of our ability. We are firmly committed to the belief that all individuals are created equal and should therefore have equal opportunities. We view academic and personal development as equal priorities, encouraging our students to keep them in balance. In order to support all our students in achieving their academic potential and in their development as considerate and caring people that follow Christian ethical and moral guidelines, we try to provide the most appropriate environment while striving to meet the needs of the individual”

During the most recent lockdown period we strived to maintain this ethos in our approach to supporting students. Alongside the ‘Key Worker’ provision that ran every day, and was made up of more than 25% of students with an identified SEND need, we also focused on bespoke provisions in addition to the Key Worker groups. For EAL students who we knew would struggle both academically and emotionally at home, we ran daily sessions in our ‘E Zone’, staffed by our EAL specialists.

Our team of LSA’s each had a core group of students to support in school. This was extended to support at home through lockdown. On a weekly basis the team would make regular telephone calls home, engage with students via Google Classrooms and provide differentiated work support in resolving any issues linked to remote learning. Over 100 students from the SEND register received this support.

An extension of this became another level of bespoke provision in school for Key Stage 3 and 4 students who were struggling to engage at home for a variety of reasons. In our SEND/Inclusion area we had planned provision for 20 students across Years 9, 10 and 11. Some of this was group work whilst some more personalised 1:1 support was offered.