Careers Webinars
Looking towards your Child’s future
Leeds Pathways and UCAS Progress
Once your child gets to 16, they have got some important decisions to make about their future. Do they want to stay on in full-time education? Would they prefer to start work and get training while they earn?
This is where the UCAS Progress and Leeds Pathways are essential for your child’s next step in education or training. Leeds Pathways is funded and run by Leeds City Council Children’s Services. It is a free 24/7 service for all young people in Leeds, their teachers, parents and carers, and professionals providing support.
Leeds Pathways provides an increasingly vital service at a time when young people face many challenges: which learning route to follow, how to manage for money and how to get a job in a competitive market.
The Search and Apply products embedded in the website are provided by UCAS Progress, part of the UCAS organisation which deals with applications for higher education.
- Your child will have several controlled lessons where the application process will be explained and an opportunity given to complete their profiles.
- For year Y11’s to apply for their chosen destination after Mount St. Mary’s they have been given a unique personal access code for the UCAS Progress. This helps the school and providers to track your child’s choices.
- As parent/carers we know that you will want to help guide your child through this important time in their lives so we would encourage you to ask them to show you their application. As a school we have already informed them of the importance of speaking to you regarding decision making and completing their personal statement.
The section on ‘Helping with Applications’ tells you what you need to know about the process of making online applications through Leeds Pathways.
Last year all students secured an appropriate place in further education, employment or training.
MSM Careers Aim, Vision and Mission Statement

Mr Wylam
Senior Leadership Team Lead for Careers
It is our aim that, every student within Mount St Mary’s Catholic High School receives specific education, advice and guidance that is tailored their own individual dream jobs and future career pathway. Throughout our Character Education provision we aim to ensure every individual is ready to success in the work place before they leave us at the end of year 11. This is delivery specifically through our PSHCE system and year team structure, however is added to and support by all that we do around developing the character of young people within our care. All students at MSM are exposure to the following over their five year journey at MSM:
- A minimum of 10 PSHCE lessons dedicated to CEIAG in each year group
- A dedicated careers team of 3 staff who work from our careers hub
- Our online virtual reality careers package – U-explore
- Access to assemblies, parent information evenings, Careers specific events to all key providers
- Specific CEIAG focus sessions with HE + FE providers
- A two week work placement in year 10
- Dedicated time through PSHCE for UCAS Progress applications
- ETPA staff focusing upon vulnerable learners
- Student Leadership and roles within school that include break and lunch duties, leading young students in the delivery of numeracy and literacy, mentoring of younger students and meeting and leading parent/ carers and visitors explaining all aspects of school life
- Our school moto of ‘Quid Retribuam’ where students have to evidence what they do to give back to our school community
- National Collaborative Outreach Programme (NCOP) enrichment activities
- Enrichment activities that stem from Catholic partnerships (Joe Coluccio)
- Work related graduation challenges in each year group
The above is covered in all aspects of character education, however we have a team of support staff who liaise with other education providers and work with individual students from the ages of 11 to 19 to ensure that all students are in education, employment or training that is linked to their individual career pathway that they have created over their time with us.

Mrs S Pedro
Mrs Pedro is our Careers Adviser. She works mainly with years 9-11. She helps with CVs, finding a part time job/work experience and personal statements for College,Sixth-form and Apprenticeships. You can book impartial careers guidance sessions. She encourages students to pop in with any queries before, after school, break time and lunchtime.