MSM Vision Statement:

The community of Mount St Mary’s Catholic High School is called to develop the full potential of each community member spiritually, academically, socially and physically and to create a safe, happy and caring school where all community members are valued highly and equally, remembering that we are stronger together. It is our profound hope that departing community members carry this ethos with them wherever they may go in their life after Mount St Mary’s to positively affect all they may meet.

“It is Who We Are”

Every Day A Great Outcome – Great Outcomes Are Made Every Day

Every day we achieve great things across and within all parts of our community. We secure a range of fantastic outcomes for our young people.

We Are Stronger Together

Demonstrating our faith in action Naemi from Year 9 was inspired to bring a community together to support Aid Afghanistan

Results 2021

Our MSM Language Ambassadors gave guided tours in home languages for our Open Evening 2021

 Organisations we work with

European Day of Languages is a time to celebrate the 6,000+ languages spoken around the world

We Believe





We Awaken The Angel

Ensuring all students are supported

Year 11 Residential

Over half of the school engage with our wide ranging extra curricular programme providing opportunities beyond the classroom

Our MSM Aspire Curriculum ensures each student is work ready

We awaken the angel within our students to give the opportunities to show their abilities

Excellence in Pupil Development Award 

At Mount St. Mary’s we educate the individual for the benefit of all. The school ensures individual achievement and personal growth whilst providing extensive opportunities to develop pupil’s skills, talents and character. As a school we are working towards an Excellence in Pupil Development Award which reflects our aim of preparing pupil’s for life beyond Mount St. Mary’s. The award focuses on pupil’s personal development skills and how education helps to prepare for life in an increasingly complex world. Gaining this award will verify the work we do at Mount St Mary’s ensuring young people are equipped with the personal skills and knowledge to manage risk and setbacks in their lives, as well as enhancing their wellbeing.

Staff – CPD

Our aim is that every single student is safe and happy, receives good teaching and achieves their full potential. Ours is truly comprehensive and integrated school which takes into account the strengths of each individual child and allows them to progress as rapidly as possible.

We recognise and respect the learning needs of all our children and support the needs of those who have difficulties, which may act as a barrier to their learning. All our students have maximum access to the National Curriculum and can benefit from before and after-school activities, intensive literacy and numeracy support either in or out of the classroom.

The welfare of all our students is cared for by their head of year and form tutor and in mixed ability form groups.

We recognise and build on the positive achievement a student makes.

As part of our personalised learning programme we provide extra support and guidance for our children.