Year 8 ‘TOP’
Togetherness, Opportunity and Positivity Competitions
In Year 8, the objective of aspiring to reach the ‘TOP’ underpins our year group ethos. Through Togetherness, Opportunity and Positivity, we aim to provide support and make progress in all aspects school life. In the first half term of the current academic year, Mr Hawkins, Miss Sharpe and Miss Mulcahy organised three competitions to give the students the chance to achieve further recognition for living our vision.
Mr Hawkins’ competition focused on encouraging students to produce amazing homework in an effort to accumulate Homework +10s from their subject teachers, and asked students to bring in examples of the homework that they were proud of to the Year Office, so that their efforts could be praised.
Miss Mulcahy was in search of positive mentions from class teachers about students who had gone above and beyond to make positive contributions to lessons. It was amazing to hear such genuine appreciation from staff for the hard work that students in Year 8 had been carrying out and the humbling comments about the character of individuals.
Miss Sharpe focused on 100% attendance and 100% punctuality, as well as making sure uniform and general organisation was in line with expectations. We consistently seek to champion those individuals who achieve lengthy streaks as this demonstrates not only clear dedication to their studies but also recognition of what they can gain from day to day school life.
The year team was absolutely inundated with incredible homeworks and shining positive mentions from all staff, alongside exemplary attendance. This of course made it hard to choose just a single winner for each category! In the end, we wanted to celebrate an accumulation of all three, and the winners were announced to the rest of the year group in assembly:
Jaeymee Gantala winner of Miss Sharpe’s 100% attendance and 100% punctuality
Oladele Osimokun winner of Miss Mulcahy’s positive mentions from class teachers
Ikjot Khokhar winner of Mr Hawkins challenge to produce amazing homework
All three were presented with a £10 voucher to use at a store of their choosing as a thank you for the continuous effort to maximise their capabilities and make positive contributions. Well done!