What Tuesday morning lesson 1 and 2 looks like in the E Zone
New friends from Eritrea singing a traditional song in their home language
Our Aim
English as an Additional Language (EAL) students represent 55% of our school community. At MSM we celebrate the cultural diversity and language backgrounds of our community, but we also recognise the potential social and learning challenges posed to students that have low levels of English fluency.
Our aim is to provide the appropriate levels of support needed to empower our students to access the wider school curriculum and community, without being disadvantaged by their language and social skills. We provide support in mainstream classes and also within the E-Zone, a space where students learn with students of other languages, and make friends.

Mrs J Bentley
Lead Learning Support for E-Zone
Our Interventions
· Intensive 1:1 support for a term in the E-Zone with bespoke curriculum and English provision for some students
· The use of Flash Academy and Reading Eggs to improve spelling and grammar and learn new vocabulary
· Phonics and Lexonik Leap
· Bilingual Dictionaries that can be taken to class
· GCSEs in students’ first language
· Timetabled EAL lessons
· Learning Support in mainstream classes
· Individual assessment and generation of personalised teaching strategies that are communicated with teachers
· Staff exclusively dedicated to the support of EAL students