E-Zone Interventions
When the bell rings at 8.40, the E Zone transforms from a buzzing social environment to a place of learning and reflection.
The E Zone provides early morning interventions four mornings a week for Year 9 and Year 11 students.
The Year 11 students are revising their English Literature poetry anthology in preparation for their exams after the holidays. The effectiveness of these 20-minute sessions lies in allowing the students to focus on one small area or exam technique and mastering it. We have found that these short sessions work precisely because of their length; students are focused throughout and always leave having learnt one new thing well, however small it might be. The aim is for the accumulation of these sessions to render students feeling more equipped with exam techniques and with a stronger grasp of the poems themselves.
The Year 9 students focus on both curriculum subjects and improving their reading skills, with the goal of building confidence and closing gaps in knowledge as they prepare for their GCSEs.
As well as morning interventions, the E Zone also run a popular
after-school club for students who need help with their homework or English language enhancement.