Young Leaders
Year 9 have been working on their applications to become Young Leaders next academic year when they become Year 10 students. The process so far has required students to participate in leadership sessions in PSHCE and start to put together a portfolio of evidence that demonstrates their values, support for the year group vision and contributions to the school and wider community. This evidence has also been supported by individual references that have been written by staff who have commented on attitudes to learning, the character of the individual and their leadership abilities. An application form will be completed by all Year 9 students which encourages them to show their own understanding of how their skills, qualities and experience makes them a suitable candidate for the role. Following the Easter break some of our students in Year 9 will also be invited to interview for the position. They have been so proactive throughout the evidence gathering process and have been seizing the opportunity, during our Tuesday morning personal development routine, to make sure that the standard of their application form and portfolio is high.