Year 9 RERF trip

On 19th May, Mrs Hyde, Mr Bourke and 25 Year 9 students visited the Leeds Recycling and Energy Recovery Facility.

The building, opened in 2015, is a state of the art facility designed to cope with the increasing demand in Leeds for waste disposal.

Students learned about the waste hierarchy, the technical engineering of how the building “recycles” waste that isn’t already sorted, and the community links to the facility of energy and heat production.

The visit links brilliantly to the Geography KS4 curriculum and, more importantly in many ways, provides a reminder for students and staff alike, of our serious need to become socially responsible. Mr Bourke has already ordered another recycling bin on the strength of a previous visit!

In true sustainable-style, students walked to and from the facility and the discussion on the way back centred around just how much new knowledge they had gained (and the free pens).