Year 9
Positive Futures and Leeds Girls Can
This half term, 24 Year 9 students have been chosen to take part in Positive Futures and Leeds Girls Can, a 6 week programme where they will be exposed to challenges chosen to test their resilience, pushing them out of their comfort zones and hopefully bringing them closer together as a team.
So far the students have been taught how to rock climb, skateboard and mountain bike. During these activities they have attended important and relevant workshops around resilience, wellbeing and being positive role models. The students so far have engaged incredibly well and I feel that they are getting more and more from these sessions each week.
It has been fantastic to see the students willing to engage with each activity, testing their resilience and showing enthusiasm and respect towards each other and the instructors.
I hope that the students are able to receive meaningful advice that they can then take with them into Year 10 next year, building on their confidence and pushing them to achieve.