Year 9 Creative iMedia have spent the first term of this academic year developing their skills to create graphics for a range of different target audiences and purposes. They have been using industry standard software such as Adobe Fireworks and Photoshop to create portfolios of work with a creative and original flair. This is the software that professional graphic designers use so it has been really impressive to see how they have got to grips with it in just one term. Each project involves them having to read a brief and work out what the client requires, then they have to research and plan before creating a graphic to meet the specific criteria. A winner is selected from each project by a set of judges, who might be a group of staff or a class from another year group. The key is to make sure the graphics are eye-catching and visually pleasing whilst also meeting the requirements of the client. Prizes so far have been chocolate, fancy gel pens and Amazon vouchers. Keep up the good work Year 9!