Speed Networking

On Thursday 12th January, Ahead Partnerships organised for a Speed Networking event for our Year 7 students. It was a fun and fast paced way of getting the students to meet and question lots of different employer volunteers about their chosen careers. The volunteers came from a digital career background, ranging from programming to setting up large mobile phone apps.

The students asked mature questions, and were fantastic ambassadors for the school. The volunteers went away extremely impressed with the maturity and enthusiasm of our Year 7s.

A special well done to the following students, who gained an award for their questioning;

Mahta Ambesagir, Jaiden Bhachu, Papush Camara, Isabelle Goldthorpe, Carla Gunzon, Ellis Obosu,
Chris Kapesa Diabiza, Yohannes Kebede,
Alicja Kordonska,
Namrata Padippurackal,
Yllana Mei Posadas, Fynley Taylor, Ava Tomlinson,
Sophie Wainwright, Maddie Westcott, Andrei Bogdan, Isaac George, Tiago Malu, Thomas Rooney &
Jack Hood.