Year 10 Enrichment Festival

On 8th November the businesses of Wellington Place in Leeds very kindly opened their doors for an enrichment festival. 15 lucky Year 10 students had the opportunity to develop their CVs and gain some excellent experience for life beyond Mount St Mary’s.

Students took part in a wide range of exercises to develop skills such as leadership, teamwork, resilience and the ability to look after your mental health.

The students were fantastic on the day and the hosts of the event could not have been more welcoming. From yoga and time management to CV building and networking with 30 employees, the opportunities were phenomenal. The students were incredibly grateful for the opportunity and some even asked if they could go back.

“It was great to spend a day focussing on things that will help us when we leave MSM.”

“It has made me look and think I could do that role in the future and not to doubt myself”.

Thank you to Mr Coluccio and all the staff at Wellington Place for organising such an fantastic event and allowing our students to aspire towards incredible roles in their lives beyond Mount St Mary’s.