Y10 Business Students shine at Wellington Place
Year 10 Business students were given an incredible opportunity this month to meet with industry professionals at Wellington Place, set in the heart of Leeds’s Business District.
As a school, we pride ourselves on preparing our students for the world of work and this experience was the perfect chance for students to see how the corporate world operates. A tour of the modern workspaces at Wellington Place enlightened our students to the different working environments within an office, shifting their perspectives away from a stereotypical office space and opening their eyes to a greener and more liberating way of working that kept the sense of community at its core, something our students can relate to; linking seamlessly to our values and ethos as a school.
“It was really good to hear the different journeys that people have been on to get to where they are. Not everyone took the University route, and for those that did, they ended up working doing something that they love rather than something that related specifically to their degree”
Our students stepped out of their comfort zones to demonstrate a resilience that failed to go unnoticed by the employees going about their daily business. An intimidating experience for many their age, our Year 10s demonstrated that they are already impressing industry professionals before their careers have begun. They shone in their first experience of a speed networking event, and the feedback from those leading the sessions was overwhelmingly positive.
The respect, responsibility and maturity shown by all students has secured a solid partnership that will afford MSM students the opportunity to return to Wellington Place for their work experience placements, which will be undertaken in the Summer Term.
Once again, a fantastic achievement for the individual students present on the day, whose commitment to enriching their educational opportunities will be of benefit to our whole school community. A great outcome that places significant value on the strength Retribuam has within any setting, by educating the individual for the benefit of all!
“It was really good to hear the different journeys that people have been on to get to where they are. Not everyone took the University route, and for those that did, they ended up working doing something that they love rather than something that related specifically to their degree”
“I went to Wellington Place with the impression that I would have to have a University degree to work there. The place is really posh and wouldn’t be the type of place I would ever imagine myself working at. I want to be a Lawyer in the future and this visit has inspired me to do that”