World Book Day 2024

The day began with over 100 students from Year 7 and 8 arriving as Mr Men and Little Miss characters. Many teachers joined the theme, as well as the characters from ‘An Inspector Calls’, and even a stormtrooper from Star Wars!

Across school, students took part in a Kahoot quiz all about the library and popular books – congratulations to 7DAD who won – and during form period classes had the choice of a range of reading activities.

Our guest for the day was poet and rapper Testament. Year 7 had an assembly where he shared his experiences and achievements, which ended in him performing one of his raps.

Selected students from Year 7, 8 and 9 were invited to a workshop where Testament linked his love of words and vocabulary to the importance of reading. We were told many times throughout the day ‘Every time you read a book, you’re getting a super power!’ As a group the students then chose a random word on a random page in 5 random books. From these words ideas were developed into a story, which culminated in Testament rapping the story back to us. The students were amazed at his talent, being able to turn simple words into such an entertaining rap story!

A small group of Year 10 and 11 students were invited to have lunch with Testament and find out how he has made a career out of his passion. We are now the proud owners of his published playbook.

It was a great day for all and we continue to celebrate the amazing powers reading can give!

For more photo’s of the event please click here to go to our photo gallery