World Book Day 2023
We celebrated the day by coming into school dressed as a book character we love, or as a character we invented for our own book.
This year the theme was ‘Personal Relationships’, where Year 7 worked on developing their ability to work with other people that they did not know.
Working together in groups, everyone was assigned a role which enabled them to create the components of a book. The 3 parts of creating a book were cover design, character design and plotting the story. The groups split up to work on their roles and then met up again to put the book together into a presentation.
After a morning of invention, imagination and working hard, the Year 7 students presented their wonderful books to an audience. It was fantastic to see them letting their creativity shine and such strong presenting skills.

The winning team, voted for by Year 7 students, presented again to the entire year group. They will take a trip to Waterstones with a gift card each to buy a book of their choice.
Other activities included bookmark crafting, reading wrapped up books to experience a book without the cover, and a tea party for the best dressed students.
Well done to all Year 7 students for taking part in this wonderful day, it was lovely to see your costumes and the interesting books that you came up with.