When we had our Careers Day, back in Year 7, our students left school thinking about their future. Of course, we understand that this is in itself a process, so to help facilitate that process we decided to give our Year 8’s an insight into the working life of a professional; but not just one, we chose four! With the help of our contacts over at Wellington Place, 4 professionals allowed us intimate access to their working lives; one was from the construction sector, one the financial services sector, one engineering & one was a civil servant. The idea was for our students to start thinking about what working in these sectors actually means, and how they would get there. Below are some examples of the effort and interest some of our Year 8’s showed in this challenge.

Elijas has a vast interest in the engineering profession and showed his understanding and knowledge of this sector by creating this masterpiece;

The engineering field is a popular choice at Mount St Mary’s. Nebi has created a picture of a sustainable building that uses windmills to generate electricity, which he believes will be the way of the world as it will help reduce our carbon footprint, help to reduce the electricity bills and help to store electricity for use on a wind-free day.

Tyrese also showed an interest in the engineering profession and to show his understanding Tyrese designed a building and, using his own words, was able to describe the contents used to make a building. To add to his understanding, Tyrese was able to fluently express an opinion on what inclusivity means to him and why inclusivity is important in the workplace. Tyrese linked this back to being a student at Mount St Mary’s which was fantastic to read. Great job, Tyrese!
Shruthika and Shrawasti have put some extensive thought into their chosen career paths and have gone so far as researching the company they would like to work for! Both have shown a creative, artistic side and we are excited to nurture this at Mount St Mary’s. Great planning, you two!
Oliver created a PowerPoint presentation on Inclusivity and Diversity in the workplace and he put in his own words his understanding of the same. Amazing to read – fantastically presented, Oliver!
At Mount St Mary’s, we believe in the power of our students; we believe we can accelerate their thinking and push them to not only reaching their goals, but also working to beyond their limits. We believe we can create a future line of professionals, all that we ask from our students is the commitment to making this work.