Year 9 ‘Tree Planting with Groundwork Yorkshire’ event
Before breaking up for the Easter holiday a number of Year 9 students seized the opportunity to take part in an environmental scheme being facilitated by local charity Groundwork Yorkshire. Led by the expert project manager, students contributed to the development of a Miyawaki forest, which was being planted in an area located directly opposite the school grounds.

Students did not hesitate to throw themselves into the physical work required to complete the tree planting process and, despite the weather, were enthusiastic from start to finish. It is often the simple things that we get the most enjoyment out of! Students successfully planted over 100 trees throughout the course of the day, meaning that by lunchtime of the following day the forest had been completed. We are very proud of our students who regularly seek out opportunities to help their local community and are excited to see how the area develops over the next few years, as well as hearing about the future growth of this project.
We would like to thank Groundwork Yorkshire for this opportunity and our Year 9 students for their involvement in this outstanding display of our school motto Quid Retribuam.