On Wednesday, October 23rd, something terrible happened in the library. As if awakened by the approaching date of Halloween, the library’s infamous ghost appeared to

Ms Fennelly and Ms Bennasser. Brutally squashed many years ago under a heavy bookcase, the ghost demanded the best readers of Mount St Mary’s as vengeance for her literary demise. Under the ruse of a celebration, she trapped MSM’s top 34 readers in the library, threatening to absorb their reading skills if they did not find the four-digit code that would release them in under forty minutes. The task to be able to do so, however, proved itself to be quite arduous.

A great deal of clues were hidden everywhere in the library on that menacing day: keys delivering half messages resting on the bookshelves of the Horror and Fantasy sections; hieroglyphic codes to decipher; a code breaking sheet stuck between pages of a romance book; a mysterious letter written in invisible ink and requiring cranberry potion to be readable by human eyes; hints in the forms of book covers concealed in cups of jelly-like substance you would, trust me, rather not know the real origin of; a sentence written in various foreign languages right where Mount St Mary’s is on a map of England and underneath some library chairs, a sentence leading to numbers of major importance.

Under the perilous ghostly threat and the ominous ticking of the clock, the gathered remarkable readers had to use their brains, shared teamwork and cross-curricular knowledge to escape in time. All the remarkable readers demonstrated exceptional logical skills and notable enthusiasm.

Once the code was cracked the library doors reopened, to the great relief of all. Following this was the consumption of delicious treats, cheering and, in one group, exuberant celebratory dancing!

One of the three teams was particularly fast and efficient, getting out of the library with 11 minutes and 58 seconds to spare. The key to their success? Epic teamwork, patience and listening to one another. Well done to every remarkable reader who escaped the clutches of the library ghost … for now!

If you want to come to our next celebration, collect fifteen remarkable reader stamps by reading books and quizzing. You have until 12th December to earn your invitation!