Retribuam Day
Year 9 students gathered in the main hall with their peers from Year 7 and Year 8 to celebrate our annual Retribuam Day.
Students, guided by their form tutors, worked collaboratively to facilitate a form stall at social times throughout the day to raise money for local charities. Our Year 9 charity, Zest Leeds, run events and schemes including craft clubs and cookery courses, to enhance the lives of those who are less fortunate in Leeds. Before the event, representatives from the charity visited the school and delivered an assembly to make students aware of the impact that their work can have and to express their appreciation for the efforts being made by students at Mount St Mary’s to support their mission and help them to achieve their vision. These stalls were perused by students from all year groups, who took part in activities to win prizes. We are so proud of our Year 9 students and the way that they continue to live our school’s motto – Quid Retribuam – truly giving back to their communities in every way they can.
Mr Hawkins
The whole of Year 7 showed their generosity and savvy business sense to devise, create and manage a small stall to raise money for a local charity in Leeds. Students worked with their forms to sell baked goods or enticed fellow students with quirky challenges such as plank competitions and snowman coconut shy’s. All forms raised vital funds that will help others in our community. We greatly appreciate their Retribuam and applaud them all on their willingness to get involved!
Ms Kay