Recycling and Energy Recovery Facility
(RERF) Year 9 Reward Trip

On 16 December a group of Year 9 students visited a local recycling facility, where they participated in a series of educational activities. Upon arrival, they were divided into small groups to engage in a task that required them to use their prior knowledge to sort recyclable and non-recyclable items. The exercise encouraged teamwork and communication skills.
One highlight of the visit was the famous living plant wall, which stands 28 meters tall and houses over 100,000 plants, including shrubs and trees. It also supports more than 700 habitat boxes for insects.
In the control room, students learned about the company’s operations, including how cameras monitor the sorting process and help decide when machines or manual labour is needed. They also had the opportunity to see how different machines function. The day concluded with a video on material decomposition and an activity sorting items based on their decomposition rates. The visit was both informative and inspiring, offering a hands-on learning experience.