Prize Presentation 2021

Inspired to be the best possible versions of themselves the students of Mount St Mary’s never fail to surpass expectations. Never has this been more apparent than in this year’s Prize Presentation Evening where our Year 11 students received their GCSE Certificates and Naemi Asmerom inspired us with her Keynote address calling us to act in support of those who wish to receive an education equal to that at Mount St Mary’s.

As part of the evening, prizes were given out to many students who had excellent attendance. Of particular note were students who across 5 years at Mount St Mary’s had not had a single day’s absence. Mount St Mary’s still bucks national attendance trends and still remains above national average attendance scores. This has left our students in a strong position to take their next steps.


Returning Year 11 students shared their college, sixth form and post-16 experiences with staff and celebrated each other during subject prizes. Each qualification nominated students and gave a subject prize for those that had excelled or shown excellent attitude towards their studies. Curriculum Leads and subject representatives from the staff were there to award these prizes in person.

In celebration of the wider Mount St Mary’s community, a new feature video was premiered, recognising our in-school achievements over the past two years and celebrating our diversity, history and mission.

Finally, our Year 11 leavers received their GCSE certificates. These qualifications were earnt in extremely difficult circumstances and every student deserved each and every grade they achieved. We are incredibly proud of each student and the successes they secured in their time at Mount St Mary’s. We are very excited to see and hear what they go on to achieve.

Congratulations to the Class of 2021.

For more photo’s of the event please click here to go to our photo gallery