Parliament Visit
Monday 26 June was an unbelievable day. 22 Citizenship students went to London via the train and tube to visit the Houses of Parliament. The students were impressive throughout the day from our 7am departure to returning at 8pm.
A Polish tour guide informed us of every aspect of Parliament and its amazing history as she took us from Westminster Hall, where Queen Elizabeth II was lying in state, through to the House of Commons and then on to the House of Lords.
On meeting two local MPs, Hilary Benn for Leeds Central and Richard Burgon for Leeds East (Seacroft), our students had the pleasure of asking them questions on how they are trying to tackle challenges to society that the students feel are unequal.
After a short break at Kings Cross Station, it was back on the train to complete some Citizenship questions related to the day.
All in all, the visit and students were outstanding. We thank everyone for their contributions.