Our Fazenda Masterclass Experience

Following successful work experience placements this year at Fazenda Rodizio Bar and Grill in Granary Wharf, Leeds, our Year 11 Hospitality & Catering students were offered the opportunity to visit the restaurant for a tour of the kitchens and front of house in October.

During the visit, students heard from the bar manager, maître d’, head chef, grill chef and most importantly at Fazenda, we learnt all about the role of the ‘passadores’ which means meat chef. Fazenda offers a theatrical style of service where different meats are served at your table by the passadores and students were able to hear all about the different items on the menu as well as being shown the cooking process.

Visiting Fazenda was a brilliant way to take our learning outside the classroom and into a real life setting and students really enjoyed the visit. Seeing behind the scenes at a busy, city centre restaurant in full service was a real eye opener for many! Most importantly, students were able to hear how staff had begun working in the hospitality industry and what options they had taken post-16 and for a few this has definitely shifted their own choices and opened up their ideas to a potential new career.