Mount St Mary’s hosts the Leeds Salon Years 10 & 11
Debating Competition
On Tuesday 1st February, Mount St Mary’s played host to the Leeds Salon Years 10 and 11 Debating Competition, welcoming Carr Manor Community School for the competition.
Amba Callaghan and Urvi Motolall represented MSM in the first round, arguing for the motion “We should accept the risk inherent in contact sports”. The teams were very evenly matched, but Amba and Urvi claimed victory in this debate.
Stephanie Akhigbe and Eleanor McQuillan represented MSM in the second round, arguing against the motion “Monuments to controversial historical figures should remain”. Once again, it was neck and neck throughout the debate, but Carr Manor claimed victory.
This meant with one round each, the two teams were tied and the decision was left to the judges to declare an overall winner. Carr Manor were narrowly declared the winners, with a split decision between the judges 2-1. However, Urvi Motolall was declared Best Speaker overall to reflect her outstanding performance in the competition.
All four students displayed exceptional skill and resilience, competing in their first debating competition in two years.
Well done MSM!