Mount St Mary’s Debating Students Return!

On Thursday 21st March, Mount St Mary’s Year 11 Debating Team competed against Cardinal Heenan, Abbey Grange and Guiseley School in The Womble Bond Dickinson/Leeds Salon Year 10 and 11 Competition Final at the Womble Bond Dickinson offices in Leeds.

Students spent weeks preparing for two debates: arguing for “Billionaires owning media companies is bad for democracy” and against “Monuments to controversial historical figures should remain”. All four students – Sedona Mechialle, Ola Krupa, Naemi Asmerom and Amelia Uminska – debated exceptionally well and were eloquent in the defence of their points.

Unfortunately, Cardinal Heenan were declared the overall winners, but this Year 11 team have been absolutely outstanding in their debating performance and we can’t wait to see what they accomplish as they leave MSM.