Mount St Mary’s Basketball Teams
Mount St Mary’s has had great basketball success this year with both the Year 8 & Year 9 team and the Year 10 & Year 11 team winning their local leagues and proceeding to the Leeds city finals.
Both teams played at Leeds Beckett University against the best teams of their age in Leeds, with some incredibly high quality basketball from both squads.
The Year 8/9 squad, previously unbeaten, finished approximately 6th in the city for their age group and are a great prospect for Mount St Mary’s future in competitive basketball. Players: Spencer Kadiki, Gilbert Ohene,
Mike Chamunorwa,
Lenard Cyrus Choy-Awon, Emmanuel Offei, Abdalla Ahmed, Carlton Muzumala, Wilfred Mongo Tonye, Jeffrey Owusu-Agyemang. .

Year 10 / 11 Basketball Squad

Year 8 / 9 Basketball Squad
The Year 10/11 squad finished 4th in the city for their age group, showing great heart and clutching a position in the top four by mere points through a determined play-style. Players: Corey Maynard, Favour Onyia, Alexandre Henriques,
Genesis Clores, Layton Salfi,
Luis Cardoso E Camala,
Michael Sharkey, Rey-Elis Tejam,
Joeremiah Tacderas,
Marvin Peprah Boadi,
Jahiem Gumbs, Aris Herlingshaw.