Leavers’ Mass
On June 27th we said goodbye to our Year 11 students. After the emotional, fun and memorable leavers’ assembly the day before, students and their parents and carers packed out St Anne’s Cathedral for the Annual Year 11 Leavers’ Mass.
We were delighted that Father Marc was able to celebrate this Mass for us, as it ensured there was a beautiful and symbolic end to our students’ time at Mount St Mary’s. The congregation were exceptional and the students in Year 11 ensured the Mass was exemplary. Liam Sample led the procession, holding the banner of Mount St Mary’s and representing his year group with pride. Following Liam was every Year 11 form tutor accompanied by a student from each form. Ola, Craig, Antonia, Josh, Mahnaz, Simdi, Kwadwo, Michael and Betty all carried candles and symbolically placed them at the steps to the altar.
The service was a stunning one that was both emotional and uplifting in equal measure. Aiswarya, Sam, Wiktoria, Rikaya and Lillie read confidently and clearly as they said the bidding prayers, while Naemi and Divine did their Bible verses justice with passionate readings.
During Mass we were treated to the stunning sounds of the school choir while Father Marc recognised the journey Year 11 students had been on and the promising future they have ahead of them. Camila and Sebatian, our Head Boy and Girl, remembered the good times and the bonds that had been made and will remain and spoke of the future Mount St Mary’s had given them
Finally, the ceremony ended with an address from Mr Cooper, who wished Year 11 well and thanked them for their efforts.
When Mass had finished students, parents and carers met at Wheeler Hall to share refreshments and say an emotional goodbye. Students took great pleasure in collecting and studying their Yearbooks, while also trying on their leavers’ hoodies, before saying goodbye. All the students involved gave their year team and the school a great sense of pride as they helped deliver an exceptional Leavers’ Mass, together as one community.
For more photos of the event please click here to go to our photo gallery