Leavers’ Assembly

The day finally came where we had to say goodbye to our wonderful Year 11 students. A year group with an excellent reputation based around their hard work, kind nature and incredible respect to all. Students filled the hall to listen to their teachers say a final goodbye and held back the tears as memories were shared.

Emotion was running high as Mr Flynn’s incredible team of form tutors reflected on the students’ journeys and shared their pride in each member of their form for getting to this point. In between the tears were moments of joy and laughter as pictures and videos were shared of their time at Mount St Mary’s, including those secret photos of innocent faces in Year 6 having fun and making friendships that lasted forever.

Students were awarded prizes and the overall positive points were recognised for the entire year. After several celebrations of their time together, Mr Flynn drew the event to a close with a “Ten reasons why he loves Year 11” speech (although he assures us he could have added more). Celebrating their character, sense of humour and caring nature, the reasons he gave summed up why this year group were so special and hard to say goodbye to. Left with the life advice of “Know your worth” “Never Settle” and “Always look for the good at challenging times” Mr Flynn and the Year team waved goodbye to his students as they left the hall. A crowd of students piled out clutching their Leavers books and sharpies in a rush to start signing shirts. 1 hour and ten minutes later the last students finally made their way down the hill and Mr Flynn walked back into school alone, sad that they had left but proud of what they had achieved. All students were given a free leavers’ book designed with the support of the amazing Mrs Gudgeon, to take with them as a memento of their journey. Leaving the hall, the message was clear, “you will always have a place at Mount St Mary’s”.

For more photo’s of the event please click here to go to our photo gallery