Leavers’ Assembly
The 27th June saw the day Mount St Mary’s said goodbye to our brilliant Year 11 students. These students deserved a great send off as they have been a year group who have shown great ambition, backed up with hard work and resilience.
Year 11 form tutors reflected on the students’ journeys and shared their pride in each member of their form for getting to this point. Students were awarded prizes for being outstanding tutees, kind members of the school community and purposeful scholars. In between the tears were moments of joy and laughter as pictures and videos were shared of their time at Mount St Mary’s.
Mr Reed told Year 11 that he had been truly inspired by their journey and where they now were. Year 11 had been through a lot and had faced all challenges admirably. The Year team believe that Year 11 have all succeeded already in what they have accomplished in both their personal and academic development and truly hope that the exam results this summer reflect this. Mr Reed finished by telling Year 11 that they were the most extraordinary, interesting and inspirational group of young people he had ever met. They have shown maturity beyond their years, are kind to others, see the best in people and show strength and character that all our staff have found astounding.
Mr Reed and the Year team waved goodbye to their students as they left the hall. A crowd of students, clutching their sharpies in a rush to start signing shirts, finally made their way down the hill. Leaving the hall, the message was clear, Mount St Mary’s wish you the very best in the future, will always be here for you and staff cannot wait to hear of your successes and the impact you have had on society.
For more photos of the event please click here to go to our photo gallery