GSAL Workshops
The end of November saw the launch of the first of two sessions held at the Grammar School at Leeds, aimed at supporting Year 11 students to prepare for the January mock examination window. The sessions, which were held on consecutive Saturdays, focussed on raising students’ confidence levels, equipping them with effective revision techniques and preparing them to perform successfully in exams.
With tailored sessions delivered around Maths and Science, students who attended were well placed to take what they learnt away from the classroom to support their individual revision and study programmes.
The engagement shown by all Year 11s was outstanding and demonstrated their resilience to improve their academic outcomes by accessing learning outside of the normal school hours and setting. The commitment shown by students across the two sessions highlighted a thirst for knowledge that will undoubtedly prepare them for exams, as well as life beyond Mount St Mary’s.
Our Year 11 students were a credit to themselves and the school and the positive feedback shared by all has reaffirmed the fantastic opportunities available to all our students at MSM!