Explore Languages
Leeds University Visit

On Friday 8th March, Mr Lawson took a group of Year 8 students to Leeds University to compete in a Languages competition. Students worked in groups to produce a poster on a language of their choice which they then took to the campus. They took part in language activities, a campus tour, a Russian taster session and then competed against another school, showcasing their posters and answering the judges’ questions. We are proud to say that the entry for MSM won the competition overall and we even came runner up. We actually won all the prizes. Quelle surprise!


 ‘I enjoyed learning other languages like Russian.’

‘I liked seeing what the other schools’ posters were like and competing against them.’
‘The best part was exploring campus and seeing how good it is to be at University.’

‘I loved the amount of different languages on offer and variety of cultures. I felt really welcomed and a sense of belonging.’

‘I really enjoyed learning Russian as it helped me to compare similarities and differences with language and it was informative and creative and fun.’

‘It was nice to see what other students were capable of producing and the engaging and fun activities.’

‘I really enjoyed the Russian taster session because it was so much fun to learn a new language.’

‘I enjoyed the tour because it was really interesting to see all the different parts of the University.’

‘It was entertaining, I really liked seeing the campus it really widened my horizons.’

‘It was interesting to find out about the different options available at University. It was fun seeing how the students live and finding out their honest option of University.’

‘I learnt so much information about University, most of which I was oblivious of before the trip.’

‘The behaviour during the trip was outstanding. The best part was seeing the amount of effort our students had put in during their free time and the results that they produced as a result of this – MSM won – this was as a result of the students’ hard work, creativity, engagement and dedication – well done #explorelanguagesteamMSM.’

Mr Lawson, Teacher of MFL