BARCA Afterschool Club
Each week we have between 13 and 15 Year 7-10 students attending the club, which runs from 3.00 to 5.00pm. They learn new skills and experience food that they may not otherwise be exposed to. We have a great level of engagement, especially as we enter the winter months.
On 25 October we had a Pumpkin Carving Competition, where some students managed to carve 2 pumpkins! The winners were: Macey Hammond – Year 8, Bailey Farquharson – Year 9, Tyler Clayton – Year 9, Lwandle Ndlovu – Year 9 and Mitchell Ndlovu – Year 10.
This first half term has been fantastic, and I really hope this continues throughout the year.
Mr S Cooper
Education Inclusion Mentor
Leeds SAFE Taskforce