Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Season of Lent, where we, as a Catholic community, begin to reflect on our lives – how we speak and act towards others. It is also a time when we turn to God in repentance for our wrong-doings.

The Ashes which are distributed on Ash Wednesday are a reminder to us all of our mortality – that without God in our lives we are dust, ”and to dust we shall return”. They are a reminder that, by turning to God in repentance and thankfulness for the saving act of Jesus dying on the Cross, we have the possibility of eternal life in Heaven.

This Ash Wednesday, Father Hilton came into school to bless the Ashes. All students and staff were given the opportunity to receive the Ashes in a series of Liturgies, ably led by a small group of Year 11 Prefects.

For more photos of the event please click here to go to our photo gallery