World Film Festival – Mount St Mary's Quid Retribuam Thu, 31 Aug 2023 12:58:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Covid Film Festival UPDATE Mon, 12 Jul 2021 08:33:21 +0000

Throughout the months of April and May students worked hard to try and walk the red carpet globally.

The World Covid Film Festival allowed students to try their hands at writing, directing and starring in their own films. With 21 different categories from sport and action to music and dance, students could create a two minute film of their choice.

With all seven continents submitting entries, and thousands of films being submitted from schools around the world, the challenge in front of our students was not an easy one, but one they stood up to with an excellent level of creativity, skill and resilience.

First up were our Year 7 and 8 students who committed to attending after school every Friday to try their hands at film making, with great success, creating a Covid related murder mystery film.

Next up it was the turn of Year 9 Performing Arts students who created several entries that can be seen on the school YouTube channel. All films were fantastic, but two Covid horror trailers from Year 9 managed to achieve 3rd and 4th place in their category globally – not an easy achievement.

Now that all the films have had their moment in the spotlight one thing is for sure, there is a great deal of talent at Mount St Mary’s both on and off the camera. Well done to all students who worked hard on this project. We can’t wait to see our students walk down the real red carpet one day in the future.

The World Film Festival Challenge – The Launch Mon, 22 Mar 2021 09:33:53 +0000

If you have ever fancied creating your own movies, films, features or shorts come to the launch of ‘The World Film Festival’ in the school hall on Wednesday 3pm to hear all about how you can be involved in an international challenge.
