Continuing Professional Development – Mount St Mary's Quid Retribuam Tue, 04 May 2021 13:03:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mindfulness Tue, 23 Mar 2021 10:12:52 +0000

The Creative Arts, Computing and Technologies Faculty undertook some training on Mindfulness, Mindset and Motivation on Zoom, with a prominent Life and Success Coach from London who has worked with charities such as ‘Mind’ around better mental health.

The session was aimed at staff development and wellbeing and provided some theory around the science of positive thinking and motivation, as well as practical tips to boost understanding and harness mindset for success.

The training session was a great opportunity to get together as a faculty and focus on some team building for the afternoon. With discussions around practicing gratitude, improving self-talk, body language and making time to reflect, the session really allowed everyone to take some time to think about building and sustaining a growth mindset and how that could be used moving forward.

Geography Staff Training Thu, 18 Mar 2021 11:18:03 +0000

Up to date in the world of Geography!

Our team of amazing Geography teachers have been wasting no time in taking every opportunity available to make sure they are prepared and fully up to date with all things “Geography”! It has been difficult to access training and moderation courses in recent months and so our dedicated team have relished the change to undertake additional online training with AQA. This vital training will ensure that they have a fully up to date understanding of the mark schemes and moderation practices of AQA Geography, something that is now more important than ever given the need to provide CAGs. Well done to the team!

Website Training Thu, 18 Mar 2021 09:31:07 +0000

More members of our Administration staff underwent some additional training this week as part of an upgrade to our digital team. This will allow more accessibility to our school website and will help improve the quality of content available online.
